Life insurance can create financial security for your family at the time of your passing.  It can provide a source of income to be used to reconcile outstanding debts.  It can also accumulate a cash value that you can access prior to your passing.  There are many different types of Life Insurance plans and we can recommend the best plan or plans to suit your needs.

Most people don’t know the answer to this question: “How much life insurance do I really need?” Don’t worry if you don’t know. you aren’t alone. According to a study by Life Happens and LIMRA, 40% of people haven’t bought life insurance, or more of it, because they are unsure of how much or what type to buy. Whether you are retired or still working, life insurance can help solve for many issues. For young to middle-aged couples with dependents, it may be a source of financial protection, income replacement, or supplemental liquidity. And for households of retirement age? Life insurance can let you enjoy tax-advantaged income, pass a legacy to heirs in a tax-efficient manner, mitigate tax burdens upon death, and even provide much-needed liquidity for post-death expenses.

Please review the questions below as a guide as you research how much life insurance may be right for you.

  • Your age
  • Whether you have a partner, and their age
  • Your human capital and earning potential at that time
  • Your partner’s ability to earn income
  • Your partner’s human capital and earning potential at that point
  • Your specific goals for any potential life policy
  • How much you have in other assets?
  • How much you have in savings?
  • The particular role(s) do you want life insurance may play in your plan?
  • Whether your other assets or instruments already fulfill that purpose? 

Let us assist you in giving you and your loved ones this additional financial security by adding life insurance tailored for you as part of your estate portfolio.

Please call today at (206) 605-5092 to schedule a free, no obligation review.